Friday, December 31, 2004


So here I am, in that place again, realising that it’s been ages since I’ve written down my thoughts, wondering why I’m falling into old sin’s again, wondering why the initial passion that I had is now fading somewhat, realising I’ve let my quiet times become fleeting and often rushed.
Renew me afresh Lord, restore the passion into my life, revive my soul, and draw me back close to you again. I’m sorry for falling into old sins, allowing the temporary pleasures distract me from the eternal glories you have promised. I’m sorry that I’ve gotten so busy doing stuff that I’ve forgotten who I’m doing it for. Take this broken spirit, drained and weary, and fill me afresh with your spirit. Give me the passion and urgency again to communicate the gospel of Christ through my life, and in the work you have called me to do with a new generation in your church in Boardmills.
Help me to make you the priority in my life again, to run from sinful desires and thoughts that the Devil will place in my way to distract my focus from the goal. Give me a fresh encounter with Jesus that I may have that initial urgency and passion to tell of the grace and redemption of Christ like those shepherds many years ago. As I look back on a year that has been, and look forward to the year that is to come, help me to learn from the mistakes of the past, and move forward in the year that is to come, freshly enthused and inspired to draw ever closer to you, growing in knowledge, wisdom and stature as I seek to learn how to be Christ in all aspects of my life.Thank you Father for your forgiveness, mercy and grace, revealed in Christ that has saved a wretched sinner like me, and for the hope I now have as a child of the most high and holy God: creator, sanctifier and friend.