Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Lack of posting

Well the posts on the old blog have been somewhat non-existent in the past month or so, due largely to the busyness of work and life.  Work has taken a more 8-6 look in the past month, lots of stress and many times wondering why I bother putting myself through it for the poor payslip at the end of the month.  Have been feeling sorry for myself on a number of occasions, abit disillusioned and wondering what the future holds.  Then I catch myself on and think how selfish I can be, and how thankful I should be for what I have - health, job, car, family, girlfriend....................  It's easy to complain, but as I've been studying James with bible class, looking at how God uses trials and difficult times in life to mature us in our faith.  I can really relate to this in my own experiences and coming to faith, and the challenge to "consider it pure joy" rings true still today. 

With that in mind worries, complaints and the like all pail into insignificance.  The assurance God gave Jeremiah is a promise that I cling to today;

Jeremiah 29 vs.11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The four Evangelists as depicted in the Book of Kells, well worth a look if your in Dublin Posted by Picasa

It's been a while

Well here I am again, quite a while since my last post, thought i'd better spend abit of my day off catching up on a few things.  Spent yesterday in Dublin, hadn't realised the marathon was happening, but made the most of the lack of shop's open by visiting Trinity College and viewing the Book of Kells.  Always something I had intended to see, quite amazing detail and craftsmanship in producing it so many years ago - blows your mind really.

Brought home how fortunate we are to have our Christian heritage, but equally sad to think how far society on these shores has fallen and how little interest the majority of folk have in the Christian faith.  We've fallen into a "pick-and-mix" mentality where we make a religion that suits our lifestyle and doesn't involve the sacrifices necessary, a consequence of our consumer society I guess.  But this is the world into which we are called to go into and make disciples, quite a challenge. O how we need to pray..............

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Ups and Downs of life

Been a whle since the last post, the regular updates are somewhat irregular, but here goes.  A reality for me right now is that life has it's fair share of ups and downs, seems to be more downs than ups for me right now, but theres always 2 sides to a coin and 2 ways of looking at things.  Guess i've always thought of myself as abit of an optomist, the glass is half full and all that. So recently when some things haven't quite went my way and i've found myself asking "why me" I guess the glass has looked more empty than full.  Sometimes the futures looks scarily dull and not so bright, and it's at times like these that the promise God gives Jeremiah rings true to me, and i'm content to trust in Him with my life, my plans, my all.


Jeremiah 29 vs.11 (MSG)

"I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for."


What a promise, what a re-assurance, what a hope, what a God.

And suddenly my worries slip into insignifficance, and I see this as an opportunity to stretch the limbs of faith and trust in Him, after all He knows best, nothing happens outside of his will and His plans will prevail

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Worth the work

Well this years bible class is taking abit of a different slant, split the classes, so i'm now taking the 3rd form upwards.  Really wanting them to take ownership of the programme, keep it as conversational as possible in approach, and as relevant to their lives as possible. Would be alot easier from my point of view to simply churn out some pre-prepared "off-the-shelf" material each week, but don't know how beneficial that would be in encouraging them in their journey in faith.  Their programme ideas have been interesting, think i've a fair bit of research to be doing over the incoming months to prepare and help lead discussion, filtering it all through Gods Word as our benchmark.  Topics from peer pressure and relationships, how to pray and read your bible, growing in your faith; through to more in-depth ones like biblical interpretation, creation/evolution, prophesy, world religions, where our souls go when we die and suffering/poverty.

Challenging, but hopefuly beneficial  as we share together on this journey, exploring these topics using Gods living word as our guide.  Any good resources anyone can reccommend would be much appreciated. 

Find it amazing how the bible raises such diverse questions and thoughts in our minds, and also has something for everybody throughout its pages. 

Opera, not the musical kind!!

Have recently switched to a new web browser, a change does you good as they say.  Now using Opera, some nice additional features, loads a fair bit quicker than IE and is hopefully more sucure and virus free.  Still finding my feet with all it's keyboard and mouse shortcuts, tabbed browsing and RSS integration are nice features.  Will see how it goes for a while anyway

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Gone wireless broadband

Well we've finaly gone broadband, and wireless at that.  As cheap a package now for broadband than dial-up, so figured we might as well enjoy the surf where you want and talk option of Bt's wireless broadband.

Hopefully it will mean more regular postings on the old blog, can't really get less than recently as they have been rather scarce.  Anyway work in the morning so i'm off to bed having got connected after abit of hair pulling!!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Alot to ponder

Well i'm not long back from the PCI Youth Ministry Summer School, a 5 day retreat at loughry college where we collectively thought through the challenge and responsibility of fulfilling our biblical mandate to:

"....tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done."  Psalm 78 vs.4

We were lead in the main sesions by Chap ClarkeDuffy Robbins and Andy Hickford gave us much food for thought, coming away with plenty to ponder and contemplate as we think of how it impacts the ministries we are involved in.  We were also fed spiritually in devotions by Maggie Robbins, as she led us in some contemplative worship techniques, encouraging us to "Enjoy the silence" in the presence of our Heavenly Father.

I personally benefitted from the week, the fellowship shared, the networking opportunities to think through how we reach this generation with the gospel, and the space provided away from the busy-ness of life to spend time in the presence of our creator, God.  Still mulling over some of the issues raised, and how it imacts the ministry I believe God has called me into in my home church.  Alot of challenges lie ahead in trying to make what I now feel are some necessary changes become a reality, but I seek to follow God's guidance, and am assured of his presence and help in carrying out what I believe he is calling me to.

A couple of thoughts i'm reflecting on currently:

  • "How are we reaching out and embracing a hurting generation that longs to belong?"
  • "The process doesn't always look like progress: are we prepared to journey alongside our young people for the long haul?"
  • "Its about loving our young people like Jesus would, seeing the pearl within, and encouraging them to find their worth and significance in Him"
  • "Developing a genuine sense of community that values our young people and journeys with them in their faith"

Friday, August 18, 2006

Windows Live writer

So this is my first blog using Windows Live Writer, seems to be a useful tool for managing updates to your weblog using a MSword-like interface.  So there we go, hopefully this will assist more regular posting

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Long time no blog

Well I think this blog could officially do with a ressurrection as there has been a noteable lack of postings (i.e. none) in the recent past. I've been intending to get back into the habit for a while, but busyness has taken over. Having experienced God moving last week at ReachOut06 I kinda realised that I had been letting busy-ness push Him outta my life. It's something I have to be very wary of, not just doing stuff for God, but making sure that i'm spending time with God and listening to his voice. Think this blog helps me to put thoughts down and think things through, so I guess i'm hoping for more frequent postings on the blog-scene. Watch this space then I guess.............

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Nearly 2 months, no blog

Well it was brought to my attention that i wasn't updating this blog, which is a fair point so I thought i'd better post a quick comment. Things have been pretty busy recently, hence the lack of blogging, but I kinda feel i've been missing out abit so i hope to pick up more regular postings again. I find as you jot thing's down, assemble your thoughts and think through things in the written form it kinda helps you focus your mind and thoughts, if only for a brief while.
So what's been on my mind recently, now there's a question : too much to jot down here, but a couple of things that have been apparent in my thoughts recently. First thing has been the damaging effect a quick word, broken promise or ineffective witness can have on an individual's faith. Have been chatting to a few people recently who were open enough to chat through instances in their past which have had a negative effect on their view of "church". As a christian
I admit this troubles me, because often I cannot find reason to argue with some of their comments. How do I represent my faith in society, how do I embody the person and values of Jesus Christ to the people I meet, how am I being "church" to the walking wounded who have been scarred by "the church" in past experiences? These have all been thought's i've been struggling with over past days, and as I read of the evident witness of the Early Church in Acts and it's transforming impact on the society of it's day, I ask myself how am I living and representing the body of Christ in my day to day life. Am I leading a Spirit filled, God centered, Christlike witness to the people God brings into my path daily? Or am I too busy doing "stuff", getting distracted and missing opportunity after opportunity that God is placing in my way, assuring me that he will equip me to witness of Him beyond my abilities.
I've also been challenged about my attitude toward the social issues of the society of which I am a part, and the world in which I live. Am I really concerned that today 6,500 Africans died from a preventable disease (HIV?AIDS), that society today despite it's technological advances has more social problems, broken homes, depression, suicides than ever. That a generation is growing up in this culture of individualism, longing to belong yet looking in all the wrong places. Am I taking the time, am I being moved to action, am I brought to my knees crying out for mercy from a God whose heart is breaking? Am I like Nehemiah in his day, seeking to rebuild the walls through prayer and action.

Dear God, may you continue to move in my heart : disturb me where I need to be disturbed, cleanse me where I need cleansed, change me where I need changed. May I know your grace flowing in my life, and may I show something of my Saviour to those I encounter daily. Thank you Jesus for saving me, help me to show more of you in my life.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Just setup a Myspace account and a bebo account, everyone seems to be doing it so I figured why not. Check them out sometime and if your a member invite me as a friend, seem like a good way of keeping in touch

Friday, March 17, 2006

Long time No blog

Well it's been a while since i've taken time to update the old blog, so on this St. Patricks day since i'm off, I thought i'd take the opportunity to jot down a few thoughts. Suppose the biggest event since my last post was celebrating my turning 1/4 of a century on 8th March. Not a great celebration as I sat an exam on my birthday, but went out the weekend before with Helen, so the big occassion didn't pass by un-noticed.
Works still taking up alot of time, but i'm finding some opportunities opening up for sharing my faith, especially in the course i'm doing as you get more time to get to know people, so i'm praying God will continue to open doors there.
Youth stuff's going well, planning already for easter events, and thinking ahead to Reachout in the summer, so plenty of meetings, prayer times and thoughts and ideas churning away. The importance of the scriptures has been on my heart alot recently, and has been the subject of our thoughts at bible class recently. I've been challenged to develop a passion for the scriptures in my life, to get addicted to Gods word, and for this to be infectious to those around me. The pace of life brings it's struggles in pursuing this, but I know God will help me by his Spirir, and continue to mould my life by it.

Anyway i'd better shoot on, get some stuff done for youth club and bible class.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Picked up a few books during the conference, some on recomendation, others out of interest. Will post some thoughts on them as I read them, A Generous Orthodoxy - Brian McClaren, Church Next - Eddie Gidds & Ian Coffey, Seizing Your Devine Moment - Erwin McManus.
Kingdom Come........more than words Conference

Challenging, refreshing, inspiring, educational, rewarding: these are all words I would use as I reflect on the few days I spent at the above conference. Sometimes you get bogged down doing "stuff" in church related activities, and you loose focus on who your serving and why your serving Him. And this week was just what I needed to challenge my own relationship with my Heavenly Father, and how this in turn affected the youth ministry in which I am engaged and also my mission-field of the wrkplace. It also helped to re-ignite my passion for serving the one who brought me into relationship with the Father, and by whose grace I am free to live and serve daily.
Some greatly gifted communicators led us from Gods word challenging us in our relationship with God, the gospel we proclaim and how we proclaim it in todays society. Brothers and sisters in Christ from every branch of the evangelical church in Ireland joined together to learn, discuss, worship and enjoy fellowship together.
I thank God for giving me the opportunity to learn more of him at this conference, for challenging areas of my life that needed dealt with, for re-igniting my passion to serve him, and for broadening my vision and seeing my role as a follower of Christ to see his KINGDOM COME

Monday, January 30, 2006

I'm taking a couple of days leave this week that I have to use up, and am going to the Kingdom Come conference. Really looking forward to it, insightful speakers, thought provoking topics and hopefully some good contacts will be made and interesting conversations had. Will post some thoughts along the way hopefully. Until then i'll shoot on here.... Adios!!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

First post of 06

First post of the year, it’s been a while (couple of months) since I posted anything, needless to say I’ve got caught up in the rat-race of life again and am getting dragged along at a somewhat crazy pace.  One week rolls into the next and before you know it your half way through January and Christmas is but a fleeting memory.  
This year started like last year finished, desperately trying to keep afloat while the tides of life sweep you onward wherever that may go.  Don’t get me wrong I’m not complaining, I’m eternally grateful for my job, for the young people whose lives I seek to influence with the gospel of Christ, for my girlfriend, friends and family; it’s just nice sometimes to kick-back and chill out spending some time in the presence of almighty God – a privilege I often fail to avail of.  
Don’t know what God has in store for me this year, but I take comfort that God has “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11).  And that’s good enough for me, I just pray that I will draw closer to Him this year and have a greater reality of His presence and guiding hand in every aspect of my life.