Nearly 2 months, no blogWell it was brought to my attention that i wasn't updating this blog, which is a fair point so I thought i'd better post a quick comment. Things have been pretty busy recently, hence the lack of blogging, but I kinda feel i've been missing out abit so i hope to pick up more regular postings again. I find as you jot thing's down, assemble your thoughts and think through things in the written form it kinda helps you focus your mind and thoughts, if only for a brief while.
So what's been on my mind recently, now there's a question : too much to jot down here, but a couple of things that have been apparent in my thoughts recently. First thing has been the damaging effect a quick word, broken promise or ineffective witness can have on an individual's faith. Have been chatting to a few people recently who were open enough to chat through instances in their past which have had a negative effect on their view of "church". As a christian
I admit this troubles me, because often I cannot find reason to argue with some of their comments. How do I represent my faith in society, how do I embody the person and values of Jesus Christ to the people I meet, how am I being "church" to the walking wounded who have been scarred by "the church" in past experiences? These have all been thought's i've been struggling with over past days, and as I read of the evident witness of the Early Church in Acts and it's transforming impact on the society of it's day, I ask myself how am I living and representing the body of Christ in my day to day life. Am I leading a Spirit filled, God centered, Christlike witness to the people God brings into my path daily? Or am I too busy doing "stuff", getting distracted and missing opportunity after opportunity that God is placing in my way, assuring me that he will equip me to witness of Him beyond my abilities.
I've also been challenged about my attitude toward the social issues of the society of which I am a part, and the world in which I live. Am I really concerned that today 6,500 Africans died from a preventable disease (HIV?AIDS), that society today despite it's technological advances has more social problems, broken homes, depression, suicides than ever. That a generation is growing up in this culture of individualism, longing to belong yet looking in all the wrong places. Am I taking the time, am I being moved to action, am I brought to my knees crying out for mercy from a God whose heart is breaking? Am I like Nehemiah in his day, seeking to rebuild the walls through prayer and action.
Dear God, may you continue to move in my heart : disturb me where I need to be disturbed, cleanse me where I need cleansed, change me where I need changed. May I know your grace flowing in my life, and may I show something of my Saviour to those I encounter daily. Thank you Jesus for saving me, help me to show more of you in my life.