Well this years bible class is taking abit of a different slant, split the classes, so i'm now taking the 3rd form upwards. Really wanting them to take ownership of the programme, keep it as conversational as possible in approach, and as relevant to their lives as possible. Would be alot easier from my point of view to simply churn out some pre-prepared "off-the-shelf" material each week, but don't know how beneficial that would be in encouraging them in their journey in faith. Their programme ideas have been interesting, think i've a fair bit of research to be doing over the incoming months to prepare and help lead discussion, filtering it all through Gods Word as our benchmark. Topics from peer pressure and relationships, how to pray and read your bible, growing in your faith; through to more in-depth ones like biblical interpretation, creation/evolution, prophesy, world religions, where our souls go when we die and suffering/poverty.
Challenging, but hopefuly beneficial as we share together on this journey, exploring these topics using Gods living word as our guide. Any good resources anyone can reccommend would be much appreciated.
Find it amazing how the bible raises such diverse questions and thoughts in our minds, and also has something for everybody throughout its pages.