25, male from the Temple in Northern Ireland. Since becoming a Christian my perspective on life has changed, and having realised that my sin seperated me from a relationship with God, I have set about restoring that relationship by accepting that I am only made worthy by Christs worthiness. Through His death he has paid the price for my sin, and He will mould my life into His perfect image during my time on earth as I attempt to live out my life as a thank-you to the one who gave his all for me.
Well here I am again, quite a while since my last post, thought i'd better spend abit of my day off catching up on a few things. Spent yesterday in Dublin, hadn't realised the marathon was happening, but made the most of the lack of shop's open by visiting Trinity College and viewing the Book of Kells. Always something I had intended to see, quite amazing detail and craftsmanship in producing it so many years ago - blows your mind really.
Brought home how fortunate we are to have our Christian heritage, but equally sad to think how far society on these shores has fallen and how little interest the majority of folk have in the Christian faith. We've fallen into a "pick-and-mix" mentality where we make a religion that suits our lifestyle and doesn't involve the sacrifices necessary, a consequence of our consumer society I guess. But this is the world into which we are called to go into and make disciples, quite a challenge. O how we need to pray..............
Been a whle since the last post, the regular updates are somewhat irregular, but here goes. A reality for me right now is that life has it's fair share of ups and downs, seems to be more downs than ups for me right now, but theres always 2 sides to a coin and 2 ways of looking at things. Guess i've always thought of myself as abit of an optomist, the glass is half full and all that. So recently when some things haven't quite went my way and i've found myself asking "why me" I guess the glass has looked more empty than full. Sometimes the futures looks scarily dull and not so bright, and it's at times like these that the promise God gives Jeremiah rings true to me, and i'm content to trust in Him with my life, my plans, my all.
Jeremiah 29 vs.11 (MSG)
"I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for."
What a promise, what a re-assurance, what a hope, what a God.
And suddenly my worries slip into insignifficance, and I see this as an opportunity to stretch the limbs of faith and trust in Him, after all He knows best, nothing happens outside of his will and His plans will prevail