Saturday, July 21, 2007

Wouldn't it be great if it was like this all the time

Just finished the week of CSSM, and again have been reminded of how God moves when his people serve and obey.  On a team like this your totally reliant on God for everything, and daily you see his answers to prayer as he gives you the strength and enthusiasm to keep on beyond your own abilities.  Its also an amazing experience to see God use a group of diverse yet gifted people from different walks of life who share the same common goal of serving their Saviour and proclaiming the gospel in word and deed.  What a privilege to be involved in Gods kingdom work in this way and share in fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ in serving Him.

Now the preparations for Reachout begin, another fantastic opportunity to proclaim the Good News of the gospel in word and deed to the young people in our community, and through them to the wider community.

Almighty God, what a privilege that you choose to use fallen sinners like me in your kingdom work, may your name be glorified and your grace abound. Break me, shape me, mould me, use me in accordance with your will. 

Sunday, July 08, 2007

North Antrim Coast

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Long Time No Blog

Well it's been a while, have kinda got out of the way of blogging this past while, busy times and all that and not really taken the time to journal thoughts or musings.

Youthworks on a bit of a break at present, enjoying abit of a much needed rest for a couple of weeks there before CSSM and Reachout in the incoming weeks.  Was off work last week and it was bliss, spending some quality time with my girlfriend, taking in the beauty of creation on the North Antrim coast, and generally chilling out.

Back to the bread and butter of work again next week, but will try and get back into the habit of blogging again, I find it helps me reflect and flesh out my faith somewhat as I try to journey through this life.

My devotions of late have taken me into the book of Amos, some pretty prophetic and thought provoking stuff in there.  Got me thinking about how we perhaps need to re-learn from the prophetic voices of old who spoke in similar times as these when the Israelite people had stopped listening to the voice of God and were pursuing their selfish pleasures and greed-driven, pleasure-seeking existences.  Into this void Amos prophesied of the coming judgement of a just God who would judge the people because of their sins. 

Amos was a simple shepherd, but he spoke prophetic words of truth from God to a nation that had fallen from his standards.  He didn't compromise or water-down the message, but spoke the truth in love, using the plumbline of the word of God as his guide, no matter what the personal cost.

Amos 5 vs. 14

"Seek good, not evil, 
that you may live. 
Then the LORD God Almighty will be with you, 
just as you say he is."

Quite an example, and something for me to ponder on as I seek to obediently follow God where he has called me to be in this place at this time.  As I stumble along the way I am assured that his Grace is sufficient in my weakness