Tuesday, September 30, 2003

The Devil is adamant to bring you down: the closer you get to God, the more he is at work to bring you down. And at some point you usually give in to the old sinful-self, and make the same mistakes he used against you in the past, and your feeling unworthy and probably frustrated with yourself. But why do we mess up, guess its when we take our focus off God, try to resist temptation in our own strength, and fall flat on our face. And that’s what’s so amazing about grace, that undeserving as we are, God offers us forgiveness. That we are made right by the price Christ paid on the cross, and its through his righteousness that we are saved. Doesn’t give us the right to continue messing up though, we’ve gotta repent of our sin, and then set about rectifying the situation by allowing God to mould, empower and ultimately change us.

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