Tuesday, July 27, 2004

These are the words that spring to mind as I reflect on what was an awesome week at CSSM in Ballycrochan last week.  The evidence throughout of Gods hand protecting us, uplifting us and strengthening us was amazing, and as we lifted our prayers before him each morning, that same evening we were found thanking Him for answered prayer.
The kids who came along were a mixed bunch, but we trust and pray that they will take something away from the week to challenge them in their faith, or indeed challenge them to make that commitment for the first time. 
As always, I came away from the week as challenged myself as i'm sure any of the kids were, God has a way of pushing the boat out while on such weeks, as you find yourself so far out of your comfort zone that it is barely visible.  I know that God has used this week to challenge me in my faith so that I will not be satisfied with "lukewarm" Christianity, and will strive to develop a faith that is living, vibrant, and on fire for Him.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Greenfingered Youthwork
Probably wondering what on earth i'm on about here, thinking i've finally lost the plot,let me explain. Getting involved in youthwork is gonna be a messy business, but the end product has the potential to be something beautiful. So where does it all start, well thats the messy bit : preparing the soil for the seeds to planted so the roots will grow. In youthwork this translates to the relational foundation that underlies the activities we provide - an opportunity to build relationships with the youth we seek to reach out to.
Next we set about sowing seeds in the hope that some will take root in the soil we have prepared, and in our context of youthwork these are seeds of the gospel. This may be a lengthy and frustrating process, but the end result is worth the effort that will be put in. Finally we need to cultivate and nurture the seeds, providing an environment that will stimulate growth. Regular care and attention is required and occasional pruning to ensure that a healthy plant is borne.
So there we have it, a few random thoughts on greenfingered youth ministry.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

What is the one thing young people long for the most? Thats a question I have been pondering recently as I have been considering the format our youthwork should take. And one of the key things I feel matters most to young people, and indeed all of us if we are honest, is a sense of acceptance and belonging. The peer-group influence is one of the most influential in the lives of our young people. And with that comes alot of pressures : the need to conform, wear the right clothes, go to the right places, listen to the right music, socialise in the right scene. As Linkin Park put it "I wanna find something I've wanted all along, Somewhere I Belong"
An article I was reading by Bill Cummings entitled "The Church On Monday" expresses this need to belong as follows:
Even in a culture of individualism, independence, humanism and self-gratification, the foundational need of human beings to connect to other human beings still exists deep in the heart of every person. We long to belong. We are in desperate need to love others and be loved by others. We need to know we are part of something bigger than ourselves. God not did create us to be independent or alone. Even He is not alone.

So how does church fit into this, how do we as a church address this need and provide a positive environment where young people are accepted and belong. Our readings of the Early Church certainly suggest that this relational atmosphere of caring and belonging was central in its ethos.

The Fellowship of the Believers

42They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. 44All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. 46Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. (Acts 2:42-47)

Surely this should be what we must strive towards again if we are to see a fresh revival of the Church of Jesus Christ on these shores again.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Yet again realising I haven't updated this in a while, will have to make an effort to get into the habit of updating more frequently. Anyway, what am I up to at the minute, well a few things of note are coming up.
Youth activities in church have taken abit of a break over the summer, but we hope to use the time as leaders to re-think and re-structure what we are doing with the youth in an attempt to be effective, real and relevant as we seek to pass our faith onto the next generation in Boardmills. We hope to get some events going for the older teen age-group as this is often where the drop-out from church occurs, and also wish to become more involved in reaching out to the community around us.
Also i'm going to be involved in Ballycrochan CSSM, a week-long mission in the Bangor area. I will be working with the teen age-group as we delve into the theme of "Where is the love". I'm quite excited about what God's going to do during this week, and trust that He will amaze us agian as He works out our programmes and works in the lives of the teens we seek to reach. So for this theres a couple of talks to organise, a church service to plan, and general bits and pieces to plan in advance of the weeks mission (17th-23rd July).
Finally i've started the "Big Read - Bible in a Year Challenge". Has been interesting reading through Genesis from creation, through the "Fall of man", the story of Noah and now looking at the faith of Abraham. In my readings it has struck me that since the fall, the depravity of sin has been evident throughout history, and without men and women of faith in God, the world is on a slippery downward spiral. As we look at society today evidence of the fall is visible all around, and yet again Godly men and women of faith are need to listen to and obey God's callling in their lives in order to prevent further decay.