Thursday, July 15, 2004

Greenfingered Youthwork
Probably wondering what on earth i'm on about here, thinking i've finally lost the plot,let me explain. Getting involved in youthwork is gonna be a messy business, but the end product has the potential to be something beautiful. So where does it all start, well thats the messy bit : preparing the soil for the seeds to planted so the roots will grow. In youthwork this translates to the relational foundation that underlies the activities we provide - an opportunity to build relationships with the youth we seek to reach out to.
Next we set about sowing seeds in the hope that some will take root in the soil we have prepared, and in our context of youthwork these are seeds of the gospel. This may be a lengthy and frustrating process, but the end result is worth the effort that will be put in. Finally we need to cultivate and nurture the seeds, providing an environment that will stimulate growth. Regular care and attention is required and occasional pruning to ensure that a healthy plant is borne.
So there we have it, a few random thoughts on greenfingered youth ministry.

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