Sunday, August 28, 2005


Went to the cinema last night to see Crash, well worth the watch if you haven’t seen it, and the website is pretty good also.  One of those film’s that makes you think while watching the various stories unfold, and leaves you thinking on some of it’s themes.  The tagline of the film is “Moving at the speed of life, we are bound to collide with each other”, and without spoiling it for anyone who hasn’t seen it, it explores how we act and react to situations and people we encounter.  Based in LA, but many of the main lines of thought we can relate to and apply in any situation.  One of the underlying themes that came out was how experiences or situations beyond our control can bring about a change in our attitudes and prejudices toward others.  As a Christian I believe God brings certain situations into our lives in order for us to learn from them and grow in our faith.  Am I learning from the things going on in my life now, or just complaining about how things don’t always work out the way I want them to?  
If any of you’s have seen it and had any thoughts on it, add your opinion through the comments below, would be interested to hear if it impacted you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It seems lots of people are talking about this movie. I'm interested to know when the DVD comes out - i bet there's some good extra features!