Wednesday, October 22, 2003

While growing in your relationship with God, you’re also becoming more aware of the Devil, and the whole concept of the spiritual battle that Paul depicts in his New Testament writings becomes more of a reality. The Devil is hard at work to bring you down, and draw you away from God, either subtly or more directly. This may be through troubles, trials, temptations or doubts. And that’s why we have to be 100% focused and reliant on God through the Holy Spirit to prepare, strengthen and equip us in the battle. We need to become aware of our weaknesses, the areas of our life where we are most likely to fall back to our old sinful ways. By being aware of these areas, and handing them over to God, asking for his strength to resist the temptation, we can avoid putting ourselves in the position of being tempted, and focus ourselves rather on Him.

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