Sunday, December 28, 2003

Are we storing up treasures in heaven or here on earth? That’s a question I find myself asking at this time of year when we give and receive gifts, accumulating more “stuff” for want of a better word, and adding it to the stuff we already possess. As we receive the latest DVD or CD to add to our collection, pushing the older ones to the back to be replaced by the latest release, I wonder have we, and I’m particularly talking to myself here, lost our heavenward perspective? At this time when we celebrate the coming of our saviour from heavenly glory, to shine in this dark world, and save us from the sin that entangles us are we loosing sight of the goal and purpose of our life. This earth is not our home; we are merely passing through it until one day our Father in heaven calls us home. And as we fleet through this life, what sort of impact are we making for Gods kingdom; are we furthering or hindering the work of building his kingdom by our attitudes, actions and lifestyle here on earth?
Not that I’m being a scrooge or anything at this season, I personally really enjoy the giving and receiving associated with the season, but it’s the emphasis we put on such things I am struggling with personally. Its finding the balance in our lives whereby we can be truly in this world, not of it as we are commanded that poses the challenge. The only way we can achieve this is by placing Christ at the center of our lives, maintaining a heavenward, eternal perspective on things, and seeking Gods guidance and will in our dwelling here on earth however long or short that may be.
Father help me to build up treasures in heaven, to use the resources you have blessed me with here on earth to your glory, and that I would truly seek to build up your kingdom here on earth and be a facilitator, not a hindrance to your will here on earth. In Jesus name I pray.

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