Saturday, December 27, 2003

Nearly 4 weeks have now passed from my last journal entry, excuses could be written at length about how I haven’t had the time to keep to my original intention of a daily journal, but basically I’ve got caught up in the rat-race of working life. God has blessed me with employment at present, and with time commitments now taken up with work, I’m finding myself spending less time with the one who has blessed with the employment I now have. A brief quiet time every morning before work, and that’s about the height of time spent with God over the past weeks, to my shame.
As Linkin Park put it “Time is a valuable thing, Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings, Watch it count down to the end of the day, The clock ticks life away”. And as the clock ticks life away; as one day, one week, one month, one year rolls into the next; how much time are we devoting to the one who took time out for us, giving His life as a sacrifice for our sins. A sobering thought for me right now, as I admit these past few weeks I’ve become consumed in this rat race of life, spending less time with my creator, sustainer and redeemer. At this time of year as we remember His birth I pray that we would use this season to re-focus our lives and attention on the one on whom our faith depends. Help us Lord to keep a heavenward focus, with you at the center of our lives, and help us to make it a priority to daily spend quality time with you, listening to your voice and guidance in our lives here on earth.

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